Fall Grand Prix
Oct 25-26, 2025
Westfield, IN
Divisions: 2026-2033
Facility: Grand Park Sports Campus
Cost: $1,700 (HS) | $1,500 (MS/Youth)
One More Lap Around the Track!
Start your engines this fall at Indy’s most pristine facility, Grand Park! Back off a successful first year, the NXT Fall Grand Prix coincides with the summer NXT Grand Prix. It’s fun. It’s fast. And most of all, it’s competitive. Attracting elite competition in the Midwest and beyond, the NXT Grand Prix is open to all teams in the appropriate grad years.
We think about the details so you don’t have to.
Family-Friendly Scheduling: We schedule your games in a block schedule so you are not at the fields all day. Half of the day on the field, the other experiencing Hamilton County & the surrounding areas.
135 teams competed in 2022!

Game Film with IWLCA Recruits
Film is included as part of a Premium IWLCARecruits subscription. If you or your club/HS are already a part of IWLCARecruits, film will be posted to your student-athlete profile no more than 2 weeks following the event. Click here to learn more or get film access!